Wednesday, January 29, 2020
A Motivating Influence Essay Example for Free
A Motivating Influence Essay Life is a cycle of learning in which we learn every day by experiences, anecdotes or by someone else. Now, it is hard to find a person who really cares about us or at least someone who wants to help us to succeed in the future. However, we found that there are some special teachers that are a great example of learning how to succeed in life. In the two stories of â€Å"my favorite teacher†by Thomas L. Friedman, and â€Å"Unforgettable Miss Bessie†by Carl T. Rowan, we find two incomparable persons who made a change in their students’ life. They both were a motivating influence for their students. Carl Rowan’s teacher Miss Bessie and Thomas Friedman’s teacher Hattie Steinberg are different in background, but similar in their wisdom, enthusiasm, love and care for their students. First, we find that both teachers, Miss Bessie and Miss Hattie had wisdom. They both introduced their students to knowledge that they otherwise might not been exposed to. In Thomas Friedman’s teacher, Hattie taught Friedman a lesson that lasted throughout his life. Hattie was a journalism teacher who tries to teach her students about the ethical rules for being a journalist. She had high standards of teaching, and it leads a mark in her students. Friedman’s writes: â€Å"Hattie was a woman who believed that the secret of success in life was getting the fundamentals right†(403). This basic lesson about excellence in journalism was important to Friedman’s career, because he becomes a journalist, and he remembered decades after his High School days with Hattie. This shows that Hattie was a wise teacher because it influences Friedman’s life forever. On the other hand, Miss Bessie’s wisdom was impacting for Rowan. She was a writing teacher who loves to read and write. However, even when in those days the racism took place in the country between white and black people, and she was a black teacher, she had the pasion to impact her students’ life. Rowan writes one of Miss Bessie’s lessons: â€Å"If you do not read you cannot write, and if you cannot write, you might as well stop dreaming†(166). This showed Rowan how important her students’ future was for Miss Bessie. She tried to make the reading and writing a commandment for her students. Her wisdom and influence left a mark in her students’ heart that it will be not only for them but for their generations. Second, both teachers, Miss Bessie and Miss Hattie were similar in their enthusiasm at the moment of giving advice to their students. Rowan describes Miss Bessie as tough, no-nonsense woman who could convince her students to do anything. In one occasion Rowan and Miss Bessie were talking about Rowan’s interest on sports and how hard it was for him to read a book. But he wanted to be with his friends and continue to be respect by them. So he writes: â€Å"Boy, she responded, you will play football because you have guts†(164). This impacted Rowan’s life forever. He learned to have the courage to fight for what he wanted in his life, and never give up, even when it seems difficult to reach. Similarly, Friedman’s teacher, Hattie Steinberg pushed her students to achieve high standards and to be responsible in their work, and to be well educated. Friedman writes: â€Å"and, boy, she pounded the fundamentals of journalism into her students –not simply how to write a lead or accurately transcribe a quote, but more important, how to comport yourself in a professional way and to always do quality work†(403). The purpose of Steinberg was to make her students work as if they were already working in a journalism company. She wanted her students to be ethical and professional in whatever they do. She knew it was going to be a great lecture for them. It would make them successful persons in their work and their lives. Third, Rowan and Friedman’s teachers were from different backgrounds. Rowan’s teacher, Miss Bessie, she was from black race, lower class family and she could not afford her education as a teacher. Rowan did not know about her background until she talked about it before she died. He writes: â€Å"What you put in your head, boy, she once said, can never be pulled out by the Ku Klux Klan, the Congress, or anybody†(165). This shows that even though Miss Bessie was from a lower class, she would never like her students to suffer the same problems she faced before. After long time, Rowan admired her because of her courage to succeed in life, and her courage to be someone else with a better quality of life. In contrast, Miss Hattie was from a better economic class, she was white, and her education standards where a big help in her career. Friedman writes: â€Å"I grew up in a small suburb of Minneapolis, and Hattie was the legendary journalism teacher at St. Louis park High School, Room 313†(403). We can say that Hattie took advantages of the opportunity she had to learn, and become one of the best teachers of journalism in the city even though we do not have evidence in the story if she was from a middle class economically. Hattie was admired for her high standards of teaching and it was the most important characteristics Friedman saw on her, that serve him as an example to become an ethical person in the journalism field. In conclusion, these two extraordinary teachers make a difference on their students’ lives with their wisdom, enthusiasm, love, and care. And, as a result of their effort for making professional and ethical persons of their students, both Rowan and Friedman become great professionals with more than an ethical personality, but both being conscientious to recognize that their successful lives are thanks to those teachers who gave them advices during the process of formation as adults in the school. However, this is the time for us as students to think about someone, not necessarily a teacher, but someone who impact our lives during our formation as adults. Even when many people think that they have an unsuccessful life, there is still time to make a change in their lives. Instead of thinking what you have made wrong in life, think of the opportunities you have to repair your mistakes and move forward to become a successful person.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Cost Accounting: Its role and ethical considerations Essay -- Business
Cost Accounting: Its role and ethical considerations Introduction: Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information about an entity for the purpose of making decisions and informed judgements. The major areas of within the accounting are: Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting/Cost Accounting and Auditing- Public Accounting Managerial accounting is concerned with the use of economic and financial information to plan and control the activities of an entity and to support the management in planning and decision-making process. Cost accounting is the subset of managerial accounting and it helps management in determination and accumulation of product, process or service cost. Role of Cost Accounting: Increased competition and uncertain business conditions have put significant pressure on corporate management to make informed business decisions and maximize their company?s financial performance. In response to this pressure, a range of management accounting tools and techniques has emerged. One of the most important tools that a management can use is - Cost Accounting. Cost accounting helps management in making strategic decisions by identifying an organization?s comparative strengths and weaknesses and a better ways to use, improve or eliminate them. Cost information is used for many different purposes:  · Performance measurement;  · Cost reduction and control;  · Determination of reimbursement and fee or price setting;  · Program authorization, modification, and discontinuation decisions; and  · Decisions to contract out work or make other changes in the methods of production or delivery of services. Cost accounting provides various tools for example: Cost-benefit analysis, break-even analysis, and CVP to help management in making decisions. Role of Ethics in Cost Accounting Webster's Dictionary defines ethics as "...the principles of conduct governing an individual or a profession: the discipline dealing with what is good or bad or right and wrong, or with moral duty and obligation; a particular theory or system of moral values". Ethics are very important in any field. In cost accounting also ethics play an important role. Ethical situations can easily arise in any business setting when money is involved. . The whole Enron saga was the result ... ...g is an important tool that can help management in making informed decision. Though it is not legally required but still it is necessary to run an entity effectively. Cost accounting is turned toward the future. There are different methods of costing in Cost Accounting: Absorption costing and Variable costing. Both have some merits over the other. An entity can use both of them for different uses. Absorption costing can be used for external reporting, managers need to review the effect of their decision on financial reporting to outsiders whereas Variable costing can be used by managers to review the effect of management decisions on production, costs and profits. References: Absorption, Variable, and Throughput Costing. Retrieved on December15, 2004 from Hilton, Ronald W: Cost Management: Strategies for Business Decisions, Second Edition: Marshall: Accounting, What the Numbers Mean, Sixth Edition: 3-8 Turner, Robert M: Ethics and professionalism: the CPA in industry, April1990. Retrieved on December15, 2004 from
Monday, January 13, 2020
Evaluating the Research Process Essay
* The most important steps in a research project or study is accomplishing a literature review. A literature review is the process of gathering information from other sources and documenting it. This is not a report or a statement verbatim according to Creative Research Systems (2010). A literature review is a significant and a detailed evaluation of earlier research. It is a summation and abstract of a particular aspect of research, allowing the individuals evaluating the paper to understand why one is tracking a particular research study. It is not an assortment of quotes and rephrase from additional sources. A good literature review should have selected evaluations of the quality of the study, and conclusions of the research study. While reviewing Commendador, 2010, Parental influences on adolescent decision- making and contraceptive use. Published in the Pediatric Nursing May-June 2010, The study hypothesis stated in the article according to Commendador, 2010 â€Å"the United States and the health care industry are researching various ways to lower the adolescent pregnancy rate, thus identifying paternal communication, specifically maternal communication with their adolescent is showing to be a major factor of adolescent delay in sexual intercourse, and a major factor of contraceptive decision making. However, the study also revealed the effects of paternal communication was not readily available, therefore the research statistics are not equalized, and supporting the determination of furthering the research of this subject. * Ethical considerations for data collection * Ethical issues are present in any kind of research. Research procedures may produce some * apprehension between the purpose of research to make generalized statements for the benefit * of others, and the rights of the research subjects in preserving privacy. Ethics, in research * relates to doing what is morally correct and evading any harm. The damage or harm can be * alleviated or decreased through the use of appropriate ethical principles. Thus, the * security of human subject matter or contributors in any research study is essential. Qualitative * research studies center the research on investigating, probing, and describing individuals and * their ordinary surroundings. Fixed in the qualitative research studies are the perception of * associations between researchers and the research participants. The study subject’s * anticipation to partake in a research study solely rests upon a research subjects compliance to * share his or her encounters. Nurse researchers are obligated to sustain equilibrium research * ethics in addition to the security of the research subjects. Qualitative research is * attentive of the events of individuals in relation to the subject which is studied. Still nurse * researchers may discover that their position as researchers may perhaps be in conflict. * Qualitative studies are normally performed in surroundings relating to the involvement of * ndividuals in their daily setting. As a result, any research that consist of individuals commands * an understanding of the ethical concerns that may be resulting from the exchange of * communications. Ethics in research includes the relevance of the research purpose, and the * procedural strategy, in addition to the manner in which information is reported. * The nurse researcher conducting the study relies mainly on previous research studies conducted by several other research entities, which demonstrates ethical collection and reporting. The research study’s primary focus is on adolescent sexual behavior. This subject dealing with under-age children has to be handled with the utmost of confidentiality. The researcher as well as the data reported does not identify the individual minor participant, nor are family member participants indentified in any way. The integrity of the participants and the research study, in the observers opinion was without biasness and completely anonymous. * * What data tells us in terms of statistical analysis Largely, the definitive objective of every research study is to find the relationship between the unpredictable, according to Statsoft Electronic Statistics Textbook (2012). The viewpoint of research states†that there is no other way of representing meaning except in terms of relations between some quantities or qualities†both ways involve a relationship between changeable matter. The statistics gathered and reported in this study in the reviewers opinion, is statistically significant. Statistic significance is defined in research as probable, probably true not due to chance according to Creative Research Systems (2010). However, the statistics reported are focused on the maternal communication with adolescents and does not represent the paternal communication with the adolescent due to the lack of research subject interviews with the fathers. In addition, the interviews conducted did not include those adolescents that had sexual contact and were actively pregnant. The researcher, to better understand the decisions regarding sexual contact and the lack of using birth control methods, should have interviewed this group of adolescents as this group could have communicated more information based on the decisions that were made which resulted in a pregnancy. Also interviewing the parents of this group of adolescents could have also given more insight on the maternal communication. Conclusion Although the statistics possibly could have been more precise and reported in more detail had the research subject sample size been larger, if the fathers had been surveyed, and if the group of adolescents that were presently pregnant had been surveyed. Even though the statistics were not balanced, the conclusion matched the results of the research study. The research question asked in this study, does the parental communication with the adolescent influence the contraceptive decisions that are made by the adolescent? The research study states that the maternal communication with the adolescent daughter increases positive decision making on behalf of the adolescent regarding contraceptive decisions. The positive effects that maternal interaction is influencing is associated with lowering the teenage pregnancy rate and has increased the use of contraceptives. The conclusion drawn answers the research question posed in this study. The conclusion states the results of this text review indicate an connection between parent communication and parenting style, and adolescent sexual interest and making birth control decision. The parental exchange of ideas with the adolescent is as significant now as it was 25 years ago. Maternal communication and contact has an abundance of potential as an intercession to enhance optimistic adolescent decision making and regarding contraception and premature sexual contact. Maternal interaction is possibly influential in lowering adolescent pregnancy and is successful in promoting sexually active teenage girls to make use of birth control methods. The conclusions are appropriate according to the information collected. Again, one must consider the differences in the outcome of this study had the omitted groups been surveyed . According to the conclusion of this study â€Å"More research is needed in the area of parenting style, maternal influence, and adolescent contraceptive behavior. The potential relevance for practice is that mother-daughter dyads should be included in any health promotion around female adolescent sexuality, (Commendador, 2010), the author of this paper decided the study is somewhat effective. The statistics supported the objectives that were measured, however there were other aspects that the researcher should have surveyed which would have made this study much more relevant. The purpose of research is to either generate or test a hypothesis. Research is the device used to investigate to discover if a hypothesis is acceptable or not. It is the process by that data is collected to create an assumption or to test an assumption. Therefore, based on what research is defined as, the researcher attained and supported the purpose of the research study. While the researcher’s theory was supported with the information compiled from the study, the data also supported the necessity and importance of continuing further research regarding adolescent sexual behavior and contraceptive decision making. The nurse researcher also recommends various options to address this very serious issue that plagues the United States. Suggested discussions of sexuality and the process of making choices regarding contraceptive methods would be beneficial if included in the educational curriculum of the school system, as well as be an aspect of the pediatric providers’ educational routine in pediatric health centers providing care to older children. Discussions among nurse practitioners, mothers, and daughters might promote conversation about sexuality, such as teen maturity, the changing body, the processes of decision making regarding sexual activity, and contraception. The researcher thoroughly covered the research topic in an effective manner, and through the analysis of the data collected made relevant recommendations, showing research evoking action plans.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Research Ethics Animal And Clinical Research - 1188 Words
Research Ethics: Animal and Clinical Research When it comes to clinical research, many people think of clinical trials, but that’s only merely a small portion of a process towards a medical development involving a process call bench to the bedside. Clinical research outline scientific investigation involving animal or human subjects helping translate basic research into new treatments that would be valuable to patients. Clinical trials can contain a variety of research under the departments of physiology and pathophysiology, health services, and mental health. Furthermore, the process of developing new treatments from the bench to the bedside come in three stages: basic research, transitional research, and clinical research. First†¦show more content†¦Phase III Trials usually randomize compared trials, test efficacy compared to standard of care, once again test for further safety, and conclude to an effective dosage. Animal studies would be necessary based on the ani mals and the trials scientist are trying to conduct. Every animal is different, especially when compared to humans, but there are some in different animals that can help test based on the compound for the trials. Over time there has been numerous ethical violations in clinical research; some more significant than others. In 1906, when the Pure Food and Drug Act was passed, there were no regulations regarding the ethical use of human participants in research. There were no consumer regulations such as the Food and Drug Administration, Common Rule and Institutional Review Boards. One of the most significant events in research history involved human participants was the Nuremberg Code on December 9, 1946. American military opened criminal proceedings against several leading German physicians for their willing participation in crimes against humanity. German Physicians were charged for conducting medical experiments on thousands of concentration camp prisoners without their consent; in most of which the participants as a result either died or were permanently damaged physically. In conclusion of the trial, in 1948 the Nuremberg Code was established, making it known that participants should give consent.Show MoreRelatedA Research Study On Nutrition And Treatment Of Blood Glucose1621 Words  | 7 Pagesgranted the amount of research, time, effort, and money that went into the development of medications or medical treatment. When someone reaches for the aspirin bottle to relieve a pounding headache or that lifesaving injection of insulin used daily to treat and manage levels of blood glucose are both the end results of long and costly research. 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