Thursday, December 19, 2019
Washington Is being remembered for the address of “Atlanta...
Washington Is being remembered for the address of â€Å"Atlanta Exposition†In this particular speech, Booker T called on the Whites to provide Industrial, agricultural education and job for the Negroes. In return the African Americans will stop the demanding for civil rights and social equality. The message he passed to the Negroes was that social equality and politics were not really important as the immediate goals than independence and respectability of the economy. Washington had this belief that if blacks gained a foothold of the economy, and also proved how useful they can be to the Whites, then they will achieve social equality and civil rights because it will eventually be given to them in the long run. African Americans were urged and†¦show more content†¦Northern whites believed that Washington possesses a doctrine of formula for peace between the southern races. Southern whites got to like the program because it didnt involve politics, civil, and social as pirations and would also cosign the blacks to a status that is inferior. Washingtons program stopped Whites from being discontented, outstanding contributions from White philanthropists were sent to other institution and Tuskegee institutes that accepted the philosophy of Washington. Washington had a prestige which continued to grow to the point that he was being known as the spokesman for the entire Black community. Because the White supported him strongly, he became outstanding African American leader not only in the areas of philanthropy and education, but in the areas of relations, business, public affairs, and all politics. Several Black leaders expressed their opposition to Washingtons â€Å"Atlanta Exposition†with its authoritative to work and wait. They ended up not toppling Washington from power, but one of them won recognition as an opposition leader and he was W.E.B Dubois. W.E.B Dubois spent most of his time conducting series of studies sociologically on the co nditions of African Americans in the South at the time Booker T. Washington was developing his program of industrial education. During the years Dubois transitioned in his philosophy, he grew to to find WashingtonsShow MoreRelatedThe Most Controversial American Presidents9333 Words  | 38 PagesContents Argument 2 Chapter I. George Washington 4 I.1 Early life 4 I.2 Presidency 5 I.3 Retirement and death 6 Chapter II. Abraham Lincoln 7 II.1 Early life and education 7 II.2 Presidency and the Civil War 8 II.3 Assassination 13 Chapter III. J. F. Kennedy 15 III.1 Early life and education 15 III.2 Presidency 17 III.3 Assassination 19 Chapter IV. Richard Nixon 21 IV.1 Early life and education 21 IV.2 Presidency 22 IV.3 Death and funeral 23 Chapter V. Theodore Roosevelt 24 V.1Read MorePropaganda by Edward L Bernays34079 Words  | 137 Pagesis an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning societyRead MoreCommercial Liens - a Potent Weapon Essay32374 Words  | 130 Pages | |Common Law Copyright, 1995 by Build Freedom Holdings | |All Rights Reserved. | |Notice: This document is free for personal use only. No part of these materials may be reproduced in any form -| |except for personal use - without permission from the copyright holder. | Table of Contents ChapterRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of workRead MoreMerger and Acquisition: Current Issues115629 Words  | 463 Pages copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4LP. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable
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